Recommended Books for O-Level STUDENTS
1.            Civics Book 1, 2, 3 & 4
2.    Civics Notes for O level by Mtamwega
3.            Civics O level by Nyangwine
1.            Biology science by Scott
2.    Understanding biology by Suzane Toole
3.    O level Biology by Clegg
4.    O level biology by Phillips
5.            Guide to dissection
1.            Principal of physical geography by F.J. Monkhouse
2.    Physical geography in diagrams by Bunnet
3.    Landforms in Africa by Collins Buckle
4.    Physical geography by Strahler A. N.
5.            A general world geography for African schools.
1.            Basic Mathematics 1, 2, 3 & 4
2.    Complete O Level Maths
3.    Mzumbe project ( Necta ) 1990 – 1998)
4.            Statistics ( Prob St 1 and St 2)
1.            History Book 1, 2, 3 & 4
2.    How Europe underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney
3.    Advanced level history major - issues in Africa History by ICD
4.    Modern world history - specialization 1837
5.            A level history paper I and II by Nyirenda H.D.

1.            University grammar of English
2.    Communicative grammar of English
3.    O-Level books by Kadeghe
4.    Literature books
5.    Novels and Short stories (Consult subect teachers)
6.            Dictionaries
1.            Kiswahili vyuoni - Tumi
2.    Sarufi maumbo ya Kiswahili - Kapinga.
3.    Fasihi na sanaa za maonyesho – Mhando – P & Balisidaya
4.    Makala za semina ya Kimataifa ya waandishi wa Kiswahili Juzuu I lugha ya kiswahili. Juzuu III – Fasihi.
5.    Fasihi simulizi – Materu
6.    Fasihi – Senkoro
7.    Misingi ya F. Simulizi – Kirumbi
8.    Historia ya Kiswahili – Shihabudui Chiraghdin
9.    Kunga za lugha na fasihi – Mbunda Msokile
10.  Historia ya kiswahili – Mbunga Msokile
1. Joka Adimu - G. Ruhumbika
2.    Takadini
3.    Watoto wa Mamantilie - E. Mbogo
1. Ngoswe: Penzi kitovu cha uzembe - E. Semzaba
2.    Kilio chetu - Medical Aid Foundation
3.    Orodha
1. Wasaka Tonge – M.S. Khatib
2.    Mashairi ya chekacheka – T. Mvungi
3.            Malenga wapya –TAKILUKI
1.Organic chemistry Mzumbe book project ( Part I & II )
2. O level chemistry by G.I Brown
3. O level chemistry by Heys
4. Physical chemistry by Ndudugu


1.            Physics Book 1, 2, 3 & 4

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